Men's Exercise, Workouts, and Strength Training

H.I.I.T. - The Ultimate Fat Burning Solution

Physiologically speaking, it is impossible to work at maximal intensity for a prolonged period of time, so if you think that long workout routines will help you lose weight faster, you need to reconsider your approach.

There is, in fact, a much more efficient way to achieve body transformation much faster.

Using high intensity exercises in short bursts of time instead of grinding it out for hours is an effective way to achieve full fitness benefits. As a result, you allow your body frequent recovery periods so it can prepare for the next workout.

The benefits of high intensity training include losing body fat fast and retaining maximum muscle mass while also losing body fat quickly. In addition to strengthening your cardio vascular system, high intensity training can increase your endurance for long periods of high intensity training.

HIIT - what is it?

The term HIIT, also known as High Intensity Interval Training, should be familiar to fitness enthusiasts looking for effective ways to slim down. When people are unfamiliar with HIIT, they typically associate it with panting, sweating, and burpees that are unfathomable.

There's a common misconception that HIIT involves intense movements, frequent breaks, and a lot of sweating.

But the truth of the matter is that HIIT is so much more than that.

In spite of the fact that HIIT workouts include both high intensity and interval training, most people do not perform them correctly. In spite of thinking they did, they may never have completed a HIIT workout. So here's a quick breakdown of what HIIT really looks like, so they won't be confused anymore.

The concept of high intensity interval training (HIIT) is very specific in that it involves short bursts of intense exercise alternating with short and occasionally active recuperation periods as opposed to standing still during the workout.

Intense training raises your heart rate and burns fat deep within your body in a short amount of time. The same results can also be achieved by running for a long time while keeping your heart rate high through moderate intensity steady state cardio, also known as MISS Training. However, the results produced by these two methods differ greatly, so they are very different.

In HIIT, the goal is not just to increase your heart rate and ensure that you are performing your training to your maximum potential. If you want to get the most out of HIIT, you have to push yourself to the limit during each burst by keeping your EPOC high during every burst.

The bursts are also short, ranging anywhere from 20-90 seconds, since even this much time is a lot when you are working hard.

When done on their own, HIIT differs from both high intensity and interval training in this crucial way. HIIT is such a hit because it creates an after-burn effect that burns more calories over time as a result of increased intensity. All exercise promotes fat loss by burning calories, but high intensity workouts create an after-burn effect that burns more calories over time.

It has also been shown that HIIT is a more effective way of getting incredibly shredded quickly than other types of cardio. Due to the use of both body weight and additional weight, this workout boosts the heart rate and tones muscles at the same time.

A second element of HIIT that makes it work is the element of rest. Training is characterized by intense bursts followed by active recovery. If you don't take enough time to recover between each set, you won't be able to push yourself to the limit on the next burst. Resting between sets is an essential part of the workout.

As a result of performing at an intense level, your body is forced to perform something it is neither accustomed to nor comfortable with. This can only be achieved by pushing through the limits of your body. In fact, you won’t find this benefit by performing long hours of traditional cardio sessions – HIIT isn’t just about burning fat, but also retaining muscle mass or even growing in mass.

HIIT can reduce body fat, keep you lean, and improve endurance while adding muscle mass.

The Science Behind HIIT

The aim of HIIT is to induce overload, which means the body fatigues more significantly as a result of strenuous exercise. It is important to note, however, that supercompensation is only achieved when there is significant recovery after training overload. By combining the two components, physiological adaptations are hoped to result in increased performance over the baseline.

It is similar to the process of your car engine cooling gradually after a long drive. After you reach your destination, your car engine stays warm until it slows down until it reaches resting temperature.

As with a car's engine, the metabolic rate of the body continues to thrive even after the workout is completed. This phenomenon is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC.

The EPOC Effect   

A phenomenon known as EPOC occurs when the amount of oxygen consumed after exercise exceeds that consumed before exercise. It helps you burn more calories long after you finish working out.

When recovering, energy resources need to be replenished, blood must be reoxygenated, and circulatory hormones must be regenerated. Furthermore, the heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature must return to normal as well. After exercise, EPOC experiences an increase in calories as compared to pre-exercise due to the need for oxygen.

EPOC can be triggered by most types of intense workouts, but research indicates that HIIT is the most effective way to trigger it. Anaerobic pathways provide ATP at a much faster rate when you perform your exercises at a higher intensity and demand immediate energy.

Because of this, high-intensity exercise can only be sustained for a short period of time.

Thus, HIIT makes sense since it generates anaerobically produced ATP that requires aerobic resupply once it is exhausted.

In the same vein, EPOC is more affected by intensity than duration, since the intensity is more important to EPOC. As a result, even after a HIIT workout is over, the body still uses aerobic energy pathways to replace the ATP lost during the session, thereby boosting EPOC.

HIIT works flawlessly if your EPOC effect is high, as it increases your resting metabolic rate and calorie burn. This spike and recovery pattern is essential to making it successful. Compared to moderate aerobic workouts, this pattern not only improves cardiorespiratory endurance, but also allows for a higher caloric expenditure during and after the workout.

Having said that, it's still vital to remember that high intensity exercises should be performed no more than three times a week and that recovery time should be allowed between them.

Is HIIT Right For You?

Due to the intensity of HIIT, it requires an element of general and core strength, mobility, and awareness of one's own physical limitations.

It is important that people who are interested in taking up HIIT are willing to try out a variety of different exercises and understand how to perform these moves correctly and safely. The doctor should approve the use of HIIT if you're over 55 years old.

The HIIT training method is not recommended for people with knee, back, or shoulder injuries, as well as anyone with cardiovascular issues like hypertension and heart palpitations.

Benefits of HIIT

In order to get in shape faster and more efficiently, everyone wants the fastest, most efficient workout possible. That is why it seems like a no brainer that you can still get washboard abs after working out for only a short time. In this case, HIIT training is the ideal way to get the job done quickly and efficiently when you're on the go but still want to stay lean and healthy.

A HIIT fitness program may be ideal for people who cannot spare the time to exercise for significant periods of time. Individuals on the go, busy schedules, and those who do not wish to dedicate too much time to fitness can benefit from it, but it is not a substitute for commitment.

With HIIT training, you will burn more calories, lose fat, gain muscle and improve your endurance. Here are some of the most promising benefits:

Improves Oxygen Consumption   

A muscle's ability to use oxygen can be described in simple terms as oxygen consumption. It is typically only possible to achieve such benefits after cycling or running on a regular basis for non-athletic personnel, but with HIIT, anyone can achieve them in much shorter timeframes.

As the body's need for oxygenated blood increases with exercise, HIIT improves the stroke volume, or the amount of blood that is pumped around the body in one contraction.

Almost nine percent of subjects in a study involving oxygen consumption improved their oxygen consumption by working out four days a week with 20-minute HIIT workouts in a five-week period. It consumes nearly the same amount of energy as cycling for 40 minutes a day.

Even when exercising for half the time, HIIT may improve oxygen consumption as much as standard endurance training.

Benefits for Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular health benefits of HIIT go beyond weight loss and improved oxygen consumption.

A lower resting heart rate and lower blood pressure are perhaps of the most importance in this regard.

Despite the fact that extreme training is well known for delivering extreme results, many people find it difficult to reach an anaerobic state. The HIIT training method makes it easier to enter an anaerobic zone since it requires you to exercise at maximum intensity, which makes your heart beat faster, you lose your breath more frequently, and you then lower your heart rate during rest periods. In addition to lowering resting heart rates, this training can also lower heart disease risks over time.

Additionally, HIIT can lower blood pressure levels by reducing arterial stiffness, which is a result of intense exercise. Endothelial function, which is the ability of arteries to dilate better than moderate intensity training, can also be improved with high intensity interval training. Blood pressure control and blood vessel health depend on good endothelial function.

HIIT has been shown to lower blood pressure more effectively than traditional cardio done at a steady pace in comparative studies.

Helps Reduce Blood Sugar 

The benefits of HIIT include improving metabolic rate, reducing blood sugar levels, and optimizing insulin resistance.

Diabetes patients are often advised to exercise to reduce their blood glucose levels.

New research suggests that HIIT training can improve diabetics' glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

With intense muscle contractions during HIIT, muscles use glucose as fuel to reduce glucose levels by taking it up from the blood. The approach works with type 1 diabetes as well, regardless of whether insulin is available or not.

Boosts Metabolism

When you combine high intensity with interval training, you create EPOC, a mechanism that speeds up your metabolism. You may feel the effects for up to 48 hours after a HIIT workout. This means you will continue to burn fat long after you leave the gym.

In addition, researchers agree that HIIT training can increase your metabolism more so than jogging or running. This technique also allows you to burn fat instead of carbs for energy.

According to one study, only two minutes of high-intensity interval training led to an increase in metabolism for 24 hours, which could easily outweigh 30 minutes of jogging.

Time Saving Features That Require No Equipment

HIIT workouts can be performed anywhere from a hotel suite to your bedroom, or even outside in the park if you don't have the time.

In addition, workouts are quick and easy, with the longest workout lasting just 30 minutes.

The other benefit of HIIT is that it doesn't require any specific equipment, so you are saving money and improving your health at the same time.

Customize your workouts

HIIT can be customized to your individual level and skills if you do not like using weights or machines.

If you decide to do an interval workout, you should pick any kind of exercise that elevates your heart rate, as the purpose is to get your heart rate up and maintain it.

The fact that you change your exercises every session is another advantage, as doing the same thing over and over again would tire or bore you.

Entertaining And Challenging 

HIIT allows you to change up your workouts constantly, eradicating boredom while helping you lose weight and improve your overall health.

Moreover, beginners and newbies will also find it challenging to let go of their comfort zones and pursue an exercise that can help them transform.

HIIT Is Efficient 

A HIIT workout is perfect for people who are extremely busy and unable to exercise regularly. If you have a special event coming up, HIIT can provide significant results much more quickly than a regular workout.

HIIT Essentials

There are some essentials to consider before starting HIIT training. HIIT training can give some amazing results if you do it correctly. In terms of intensity of the workout, factors such as the duration of the routine, the equipment you need, and the length of the routine are important to take into account.

HIIT Equipment: What To Use?

When you start out, the best HIIT training you can do is just with your body weight, but as you progress, introducing equipment may be beneficial.

Training with HIIT can be done in a variety of ways, from walking on a stairmaster to riding a bike or treadmill, and even incorporating sprinting, bicycle sprints, or elliptical machines.

Whatever you choose, you need to push hard, fast, and only stop when you can't possibly push any further.

When it comes to high intensity workouts, a treadmill is a popular option. It is best to use a curved treadmill as this provides a full body workout. Another popular option is a stationary bike as it will accelerate your heart rate and keep it pounding.

Wrestlers have long used an arm bike for building their strength, and it can also be used for high intensity workouts.

A jump rope, on the other hand, will get your heart rate up and stay there for the duration of your workout. If you don't have the budget for all these machines or a gym membership, you can simply purchase a jump rope.

Stick with moves like jumping jacks, sprinting or sprinting in place, and high knees to get your heart rate up on a somewhat no-equipment HIIT plan.

What is the ideal intensity of the workouts?

A high intensity workout is a workout intended to put in a maximum amount of effort in a short period of time. A key to a high intensity workout is maintaining the level of intensity throughout the workout.

It is important to determine your own intensity level for HIIT workouts to be effective.

For a beginner, the intensity of a HIIT routine will differ from that for someone who has been exercising for a while. The sets are short in duration, ranging from 20 to 90 seconds, but they require full body power. You are not working at maximum intensity if you feel that you can continue a routine for more than 30 minutes.

The more intense a workout is, the more fat is burned. This is why HIIT is more popular compared with other methods. Research has shown that the more intense a workout is, the more fat is burned. Fitness experts generally use the rate of perceived exertion scale or the RPE scale to determine the appropriate intensity level for each individual.

There is basically a scale on this scale that goes from 1 to 10, with 10 being the level of intensity where you give everything you've got. Everyone needs to find out where they fall on this scale and work to move up as soon as possible until they reach 10.

How Restful Should The Rest Periods Be?

Many people find rest periods to be strange, but they are necessary in HIIT workout sessions. Without rest periods, you cannot get the full benefits of the workout. Once your body has completed one set of exercises, it needs time to recover before performing the next.

It is based on the principle that during a high intensity workout, the body goes into an anaerobic state. During a rest phase, the body switches into aerobic conditions.

In HIIT, you do not have to rest completely. In addition to a full rest period, there should also be a recovery period that involves active exercises such as planks or walking in place. The ratio most fitness experts follow is one to two. Two minutes of recovery are needed for every one minute of high intensity exercise.

When you work out, you should be able to talk and exercise at the same time. If you are able to talk and exercise at the same time, you aren't working out properly.

Depending on how your body responds to high intensity workouts, you may need to modify your workout plan. Add another set to your workout plan, or decrease the recovery time between sets.

During your recovery periods, make sure you are active. For example, spend one minute doing a plank and the other resting.

Is there a recommended length of time for workouts?

There is no set time for a HIIT workout, and it can vary from person to person.

Tabata, developed by a Japanese scientist, lasts for only four minutes. It is extremely popular among the HIIT group.

However, you do not have to work out constantly for 30 minutes. Break up your workout session into working time and recovery time or split it up into two to three workouts.

Make each workout last 6 to 7 minutes and incorporate recovery time in between so that you get a total workout length of half an hour.

In addition, overdoing high intensity workouts can result in injury, so you need to plan your workout accordingly. Do not continue doing the same thing forever.

How Frequently Should You Do HIIT Workouts?

HIIT workouts shouldn't be performed every single day, just as you shouldn't train any of your muscles. HIIT workouts can pose an injury risk if you don't allow your body to recover after they are done. If you do high intensity workouts every single day, it is practically impossible to get maximum results.

A lack of recovery time can also lead to this problem because you fail to give your muscles and body enough time to repair. Your mind will also be off track if you do too much. You will feel fatigued, which will negatively affect your performance in subsequent workouts.

If you are doing intense leg workouts twice a week, you will not be able to do an intense leg workout the next day. The key is to give your body a day of recovery time between the sessions. Instead of working out the next day, rest on the next day or do some light yoga.

HIIT Muscle Burn: How To Prevent It?

The aim of a HIIT session is to burn fat rather than muscle. The first rule is to take rest days every few days to prevent muscle burn. During these days, your body and your brain will be able to recharge and prepare for the next workout session.

The nutritional aspect of any workout is also important. In order to get the most out of any workout, you need to make sure you're always fueled with the proper foods. Your body requires plenty of protein to repair itself. It is also possible to prevent muscle burn with protein supplements. Those supplements contain amino acids, which serve as the building blocks for regenerating or repairing damaged muscle fibers.

A fitness professional will also recommend getting enough sleep. When you sleep, your body heals itself. Sleep will keep you active for the next workout and provide some time for the body to repair.

The basic dynamics of HIIT workout sessions are crucial if you want to reap the maximum benefits from them. The duration, intensity and rest periods are all important factors that need to be kept in mind when performing high intensity workouts. If you neglect even one of these factors, all your hard work will be lost.

HIIT for Fat Loss and Muscle Gain

No doubt, HIIT is one of the best ways to lose body fat. The workouts are intended to burn fat quickly and eventually reduce fat cells storing body fat. It is important to understand the mechanism of fat storage in the body before moving on to fat burning by high intensity workouts or any other method.

You use some of your food as glucose for energy expenditure. The remainder is stored in the liver as glycogen. Once your glucose levels drop, you will need to use this reserve food.

It is also important to remember that fats and triglycerides provide the body with energy, and fats provide the most energy. The body stores extra fat in cells called adipocytes located in the flanks, thighs, and abdomen. The goal of any exercise is to make the body burn these carbs and fats that are stored there.

In order to accomplish this, the body must exhaust the glucose and triglycerides already present in the body. Once those have been depleted, glycogen and fat reserves are used for fuel instead.

How Does HIIT Cause Fat Loss?

Metabolism refers to all the processes that take place in the body.

There are two types of these.


During these reactions, new products are synthesized using the reactants present in the body. As a result, proteins and carbohydrates are extracted from our food.


This type of reaction involves breaking something down into smaller particles or excreting it from the body. Fat oxidation occurs when fats are burned into their constituents during this process. In addition, catabolic reactions involve burning carbs and breaking down larger nutrients into their monomers. These monomers are used to create new substances.

These two reactions occur simultaneously and need energy to function. The body gets this energy by burning carbs that are already present.

An individual's metabolic rate is enhanced when they perform a high intensity workout.

The acceleration of the metabolic rate also causes the body's reactions to happen at a faster pace due to the acceleration of the metabolic rate. When these reactions occur at a faster pace, the body also starts burning its fat reserves to get energy.

Even when you rest, HIIT keeps your metabolism active; it enhances your resting metabolism more than aerobic exercise. For 24 hours after a workout, your resting metabolic rate continues to burn fat at a significant rate, just in time for your next workout. Therefore, you will continue to burn fat throughout the rest of the day.

HIIT And Fat Oxidation

An oxidation process occurs in cells when fat is broken down into triglycerides. As a result of oxidation, triglycerides are produced. These can be used for energy provision or stored in the adipose tissue. By promoting fat oxidation, HIIT ensures that body fat is burned instead of being stored.

It is only the liver that can eliminate cholesterol from the body. If the liver becomes overburdened with fat reserves, the organ cannot function properly due to the pressure put on it by the fat. The liver functions properly for removing cholesterol when fat reserves melt as a result of HIIT.

Growth Hormone Levels Increase

In addition to increasing growth hormone levels, HIIT has been shown to enhance metabolism and fat burning in the body. This hormone is also involved in fat burning in the body. As a result of this hormone, the body's metabolic rate and efficiency improve considerably.

As a result of high intensity workouts, the body produces catecholamine, which facilitates fat loss by mobilizing fat. This chemical keeps fat reserves in the body increasing until they are consumed.

It is through the action of this chemical that fat that is stored in adipose tissue can be mobilized for use as fuel. The body uses carbohydrates as fuel, so it needs to produce some sort of chemical to make fat available.

How Does HIIT Build Muscle Mass?   

As a result of the increased blood flow and better contractility caused by HIIT, it also builds muscle mass. It is the blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, including the muscles. A high intensity workout leads to more oxygen being taken to the muscles, which causes an increase in oxidative respiration.

During anaerobic conditions, muscle tissues produce lactic acid, which causes fatigue and soreness. By taking in more oxygen, aerobic conditions persist and oxidation takes place. As a result, more muscle mass is gained.

In addition, blood transports nutrients to the muscles which are essential for muscle growth and development. Protein is an energy source for muscles that can be used to grow and repair.

The body has to deal with muscle wear and tear every time you work out. In addition to repairing damaged muscle fibers caused by intense workouts, proteins also help make new muscle fibers using amino acids as building blocks. In addition to making muscle proteins called actin and myosin, these amino acids also work to contract and relax the muscles.

Metabolism And Muscle Mass

A HIIT workout increases metabolic activity in the active muscles and keeps it going even during rest. The anabolic reaction occurs when new muscles-building compounds are produced. This process also results in muscle mass development. Because high intensity workouts continue to produce anabolic compounds for 24 hours following the workout, they ensure that muscle synthesis is always occurring.

Thus, high intensity workouts increase the metabolic rate as well as increase fat oxidation, so they are ideal for burning fat. In addition, it increases the amount of catecholamine in the body, which reduces appetite and increases fat mobility. Besides fat loss, high intensity workouts increase lean muscle mass, making them a great way to achieve the body of your dreams.

HIIT for Endurance

The HIIT method is a great way to build endurance since it targets the major points in the body where endurance is built.

A key component of endurance is cardiovascular performance. This relates to how your heart functions and the subsequent functioning of your circulatory system. Your heart's functioning can be measured by three factors.

  1. Heart Rate

Heart rate is how often your heart beats in a minute. The faster your heart beats, the more blood your body receives and the faster it becomes more capable of enduring.

2.  Stroke Volume

It refers to the amount of blood that is pumped by the heart every time it beats. Since the stroke volume and endurance directly correlate, a higher stroke volume is beneficial.

3. Contractility

A person's contractility refers to how much blood is pumped into the body. The stronger the force, the farther the blood travels. If the contractility is higher, more blood flows to the exercising muscles. A strong and healthy skeletal muscle relies on oxygen and nutrients that are infused into the blood.

How Is Endurance Built?

VO2 is a variable that measures the amount of oxygen that your muscles can receive. It is not just a measure of how hard your heart pumps blood. VO2 is also a variable that depends on the factors mentioned above, as well as the amount of oxygen extracted from the blood that enters the muscles. Blood carries oxygen to the muscles, but not all of it is taken up by the muscles. To receive oxygen, the muscles must extract oxygen first, and the more oxygen extraction capacity they have, the more oxygen they will receive.

As well as mitochondrial density, endurance is also influenced by other factors. It is well known that mitochondria are the cells' energy producers. In other words, they are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP. In the mitochondria, different cycles take place to produce the energy. The higher mitochondrial density, the more energy the body produces.

How Does HIIT Build Endurance?

A HIIT workout builds endurance based on all the variables discussed above. It increases stroke volume, meaning more blood will flow to the muscles, as well as improving contractility and heart pumping force.

If more mitochondria are present in the body, more energy will be produced and that will give the muscles more endurance. HIIT is a great alternative to aerobic exercise for increasing mitochondrial density.

In addition to increasing the number of enzymes in the mitochondria, HIIT is also able to promote endurance. Energy is produced in the mitochondria by a variety of cycles. Each step in these cycles involves different enzymes acting on the substrate to produce a particular product. HIIT increases these enzymes, which have distinct activities that are essential for energy production. These enzymes increase endurance in skeletal muscles, which are then further enhanced by HIIT.

A HIIT workout shifts the body's signaling pathway from a slower to a faster one. It is a switch in the body called PGCa that activates the mitochondria so they can breakdown nutrients and extract energy from them. During high intensity exercises, the signaling pathway is a lot faster during which the switch is activated. This results in an increase in enzyme activity, as well as an increase in mitochondrial density.

HIIT and VO2

It has been shown that HIIT significantly enhances VO2 levels in the body and increases stroke volume, which is directly related to how much oxygen is getting to the skeletal muscles and other parts of the body. In order to increase the stroke volume, high intensity workouts increase blood flow to the body. Since the skeletal muscles start receiving more blood as a result, this is a good thing.

Throughout the body, the circulatory system transports nutrients and oxygen through the body to the muscles and other organs. The increase in blood flow also increases oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.

With the oxygen present in these nutrients, the mitochondria can respire and release energy. Meanwhile, the amino acids are further used for muscle repair and to synthesize new proteins needed to sustain muscle function.

As the heart pumps blood with greater force, high intensity workouts also increase cardiac contractility. In addition, increased blood circulation allows all body organs and muscles to be reached. A person with excessive endurance has shorter recovery times and can perform better in gym sessions as a result of their excessive endurance.

Skeletal muscles gain endurance when they receive more blood.

HIIT Builds Endurance In Skeletal Muscles

Performing high intensity workouts also builds endurance in the skeletal muscles.

These exercises change the vasculature of your skeletal muscles. Vasculature refers to the size and number of blood vessels present in the muscles. The skeletal muscles become more visible due to these workouts.

During contraction, muscles send blood back to the left ventricle of the heart, which enhances the heart stroke. More blood is sent to the heart, so more oxygenated blood is being sent back to the body. Thus, heart stroke is enhanced. More oxygenated blood is sent back to the body, increasing nutrient intake to the muscles.

The muscles fibers are made up of proteins, so HIIT increases their strength, increasing endurance. With high intensity workouts, blood circulation is enhanced, and more of these proteins are being made through amino acids present in the blood, which improves the flexibility and strength of muscle fibers.

Motor Units And HIIT

The muscles have what is called motor units. These motor units are important for signaling and for building endurance. High intensity workouts increase the number of motor units in the body. This can help in two ways.

• Muscle coordination and endurance improve if there are more motor units in the skeletal muscles.

• The motor units also assist in reducing fatigue time during exercise. In this way, people with enhanced motor units don't tend to get tired easily.

Does HIIT Affect Qmax?

In studies, high intensity workouts have not been found to significantly affect Qmax.

Qmax is the maximum amount of blood your heart can pump to the body in a minute.

As a result, low intensity workouts, such as aerobic workout plans, increase Qmax more effectively than high intensity workouts.

Therefore, HIIT takes cardiovascular pathways to increase endurance. Additionally, it strengthens muscle fibers by providing them with more proteins for repair and strength, as well as increasing the density of mitochondria in the cells. As a result, high intensity workouts increase endurance by increasing the maximum oxygen concentration in the blood at all times, which is transferred to the muscles by increasing VO2 max.

Common Mistakes When Doing HIIT

To get results with HIIT, you need to do it properly. Most people aren't used to forcing themselves as hard as necessary, especially if the workout is only seven to ten minutes.

As a result, people often start making mistakes during their workouts, which can easily sabotage their efforts and reduce their results. This article looks at some of the most common mistakes to avoid.

Longer Workouts

HIIT sessions can be anywhere between four and twenty minutes, or thirty minutes if they are stretched out to the maximum. If someone can extend it beyond that, then they have succeeded.

It is common mistake to do longer sessions during HIITs. The entire point is to push your body to its maximum capacity during high intensity periods, which will automatically make sessions shorter.

Not Warming Up

It's important to warm up before starting HIIT training, especially for beginners who are not yet ready to use their bodies' full potential.

The body will not be able to give it's all during high volume interval training without a warm-up. This is a common mistake.

Choosing Complex And Complicated Movements

According to experts, the body can become too tired to perform complex movements after repeated workouts. When you perform a complex movement for the first time, it might not seem too bad at all. However, repeating the movement may cause the body and brain to overwork, increasing the possibility of injury.

For HIIT workouts, it is recommended choosing movements that are easy to perform, with no need to think about which body part goes where and which muscle needs more stretching.

In addition to choosing complex movements, another common mistake is not performing the easy ones correctly. Even if something looks simple, if it is not carried out correctly, it will not be effective.

The best way to master a movement is to give your body and mind time to adapt.

Not Paying Attention To 'Recovery' Intervals

HIIT people make the common mistake of reducing resting or recovery intervals in order to make it 'tougher'.

Recovery periods are just as important as high intensity intervals. This is when the muscles are able to repay what is referred to as an 'oxygen debt' that had been accrued throughout the workout. Having received oxygen back, they can work as hard in the next high intensity workout as they were deprived of oxygen during the workout. The muscles are only partially ready to work hard if adequate recovery time is not taken.

Not Being 'Intense' Enough

The goal of high intensity HIIT training is to make you breatheless, your heart beating loudly against your chest, and your body and brain screaming that you can't go anymore. During your high intensity intervals, if this does not happen to you, you are making the same mistake as many others: you are not working hard enough.

Your goal should be to physically and mentally reach a point beyond which you are unable to go any further.

Only then will your HIIT workout be a success.

Exercises and movements involved in HIIT training are usually natural and easy. This makes the workout more effective and reduces the risk of injury. Lifting weights is also a good part of high interval training sessions, but they should not be too heavy. The easier they are to lift, the better.

Clothing and diet are important

Even though it might look good, wearing too tight clothes during a workout will only bother you. You should invest in gym clothes that are made of breathable materials, don't trap sweat against your skin, and aren't itchy. For your sessions, it is also essential to wear proper trainers.

When it comes to nutrition, staying hydrated is paramount! Make sure you drink plenty of water before you start your workout session.

You can use many protein shakes available on the market.

Alternatively, a good fiber and lean protein meal will work as well. However, you should finish eating at least an hour before working out. If you eat right before working out and don't pay attention to what you eat, you are likely to make the same mistake. Before working out, fruits and vegetables will not be very helpful.

Lack of Determination

HIIT training is tough and demanding. It can make the body feel more exhausted than ever. The last thing your body needs to hear is 'You can't do it!' Yet it is used to hearing this a lot during HIIT training.

As a result, giving up is common. It might seem impossible and your negative thinking will only make it worse. But sticking to it will pay off.

Overdoing HIIT

In spite of the great results and outcomes of HIIT training, some people overdo it, such as, doing it every day. This is not good for the muscles at all. The maximum frequency of HIIT sessions should not exceed twice or thrice a week. Leaving ample time for the body to recover from this will allow it to be ready for the next round.

Since it does not demand too much time from their busy schedules, this has become a popular alternative to long, everyday sessions of low intensity workouts.

Choosing The Wrong Timing

Exercise must be timed properly. Have a HIIT session right after you eat or just before bed is not a good idea.

A good, but light breakfast an hour before HIIT training is the best way to go about it.

The sooner you train, the better. By doing so, your fat reserves will be targeted more effectively. You will also get your body ready to burn calories throughout the day by doing this.

By working out early and before heading to work, your concentration and productivity will also be at their peak.

HIIT Diet: The Best Diet

In order to maximize the benefits of any workout plan, a suitable diet plan must complement the workout sessions. A diet rich in protein and carbs is crucial for HIIT.

Having enough energy to exercise intermittently without becoming fatigued is essential to the success of HIIT workouts. The ability to drink enough water is also important to ensure success.

Nutrition before working out

The human body works all day and is busy with muscle growth and repair, so the pre-workout diet must be high in energy. HIIT workouts involve short but intense workout sessions.

A pre-workout diet is an important part of any fitness program and should be consumed about four hours prior to exercising. It is important that the diet be strategically planned in advance so that the body can recover and build new muscles.

A sufficient amount of carbohydrates and protein should be consumed about 4 hours prior to your workout. As the body's main source of energy, carbohydrates provide the ultimate fuel needed to drive a workout, while protein, on the other hand, is essential for muscle repair and building.

In the days leading up to a workout, carb intake should be moderate enough not to overwhelm the body, yet energize it enough to perform well. Some good pre-workout food options include:

• Nuts and dried fruits, such as almonds and cashews

• Yogurt (Ideally, a smoothie made of yoghurt, fruits, and vegetables)

• Whole wheat toast and protein powder

• Bananas and strawberries or a smoothie

In order to energize the body, these meals provide it with the energy it needs for the workout. Approximately one hour before the workout, the body requires an energy boost. This comes from carbohydrates, so the meal plan before the workout needs to be loaded with them. Here are some good meal ideas for pre-workout:

• A bowl of fruit

• An energy bar made with nuts

• Peanut butter toast

A scoop of whey protein should be taken 30 minutes prior to the workout to reduce recovery time for the body if there is muscle fatigue or any loss of energy. As the body's ultimate source of muscle building, proteins are at its best when it needs repair.

Post Workout Nutrition

In the same way, it is important to replenish the body's energy reserves after such a vigorous workout. Firstly, the body has lost its glycogen reserve, which is where glucose is stored in the body. Second, during the workout process, the muscles are broken down as well. Protein is crucial for the repair of these tissues.

HIIT training makes it difficult to make yourself a proper meal immediately after exercising. Therefore, it is better to go for quick fixes that have high protein content.

Here are a few suggestions:

• A Protein shake

• A slice of white bread

• Soy milk and 2 spoons of jelly

After a HIIT workout, you should consume these foods for half an hour before the actual meal for the day or night. Your meal should contain both carbs and protein, since both are needed after a HIIT workout. The liver stores part of glucose as glycogen after it is consumed as carbohydrates.

A study has shown that a combination of proteins and carbohydrates in a 1:3 ratio is the best way to repair worn out muscles, while proteins are necessary for muscle repair. It is very important that you eat a proper meal within two hours after your workout session has completed.

In order to build muscles, you need to include proteins as the building blocks of your diet. Amino acids act as the building blocks for repairing damaged muscle cells. By using amino acids in different ways during intense workouts, the body can either create new muscle fibers or damage the ones that have been severed.

HIIT diet snacks are generally made up of scoops of whey protein or casein protein, as the proteins present in milk products are quite beneficial for muscle health.

• Rice with veggies and chicken

• Pasta and salad (add meat sauce for taste)

• A cup of mixed green salad and some salmon

• A cup of green beans and salmon

Moreover, it is vital that you incorporate healthy fats into your post-workout meal. This is because fats help reduce inflammation that often occurs as a result of intense workouts. The exercise process can be hindered by inflammation, so dealing with it from day one is necessary.

Keeping hydrated is important to make up for the water lost during a workout session.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, until you go to bed. Exercise causes you to lose a lot of water through sweat. In terms of exercise, hydrated bodies see quicker results.

Ideas for 3 Days of Meals

For an exercise plan to yield results, it is absolutely essential for a good diet plan to compliment a workout session. Here is a three-day meal plan with three main meals and two snacks.

Day 1:


• 2 whole eggs

• 1 slice low fat cheese

• 2 slices low fat turkey bacon

• 2 slices whole wheat bread

Snack in the morning

A cup of berries or a handful of walnuts


• Spinach

• 5 oz. shrimp

• Half a cup of dried oatmeal

• A table spoon of salad dressing

An afternoon snack

A table spoon of peanut butter

• Half a cup of cottage cheese


• Barbeque chicken with natural BBQ sauce

• Whole wheat break

• Cabbage dressing

• 5 oz. kale

Day 2


• An English muffin (whole wheat)

• 3 slices of turkey bacon

• Breakfast sandwich with eggs and a slice of cheese

Morning Snack

• A cup of cottage cheese

• Half a cup of berries


• 6 oz. chicken breast

• A cup of zucchini sliced well

Day Snack

A scoop of whey protein

• Handful of any dried fruit


• A large baked potato

• Grilled salmon

• Half a cup cheese and a table spoon of Greek yoghurt

• Salt and hot sauce for taste

Day 3


• 3 whole eggs

• Omelet made with reduced-fat cheese and onions

Morning snack

• A cup of spinach

• 2 spoons of salad dressing with olive oil and vinegar


• A cup of broccoli chopped well

• A table spoon of salad dressing with olive oil and vinegar

• 8 oz. of chicken breast

Day Snack

Peanut butter on a whole-wheat toast


• Canned tuna sandwich

• Half a cup of Green yoghurt

• Celery stalk chopped well with chopped onions

To reap the benefits of your workouts, you must consume a sufficient amount of nutrients. It is extremely important to eat pre-workout meals and post-workout meals that are properly nutrient-dense. You will feel fatigued quickly and your stamina will also decrease.

To supplement this meal plan, it is also important to consume 8 to 10 glasses of water every single day to stay hydrated. More water equals a faster metabolism, which leads to a better workout.

Supplements for HIIT

You must combine proper diet with supplements to get the maximum benefits with any workout you follow. Several supplements work best for HIIT exercises, as they provide an extra boost of energy and initiate the healing process in the body. These supplements are especially beneficial for HIIT, as they help kick off the repair process.

Greens Supplement

In high intensity workouts, Greens Supplement is a great way to increase power and strength.

The body produces lactic acid when it respires in the absence of oxygen or in limited quantities during intense workouts, which can slow down performance and cause fatigue.

This results in the pH dropping, which causes the muscles to stop working, which results in fatigue and inability to perform at your best in the next workout.

A green supplement can reduce fatigue and increase energy by canceling out the acidity in the muscles.

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine has been extensively researched. It has been used in many sports supplements since its discovery. This supplement enhances the body's performance and increases lean muscle mass.

As a pH buffer, creatine keeps the pH of the body controlled at all times, helping the body maintain homeostasis.

With creatine, you can perform more reps without feeling tired or drained. Plus, creatine keeps the muscles at the ideal pH level for maximum overall performance.

It is also important to include recovery periods in HIIT training sessions because Creatine enhances recovery speed. It is vital that HIIT training sessions include recovery periods. Having a faster recovery rate enables a person to perform better in the gym and reap the maximum rewards from their workouts.

A greater number of satellite cells is also produced when creatine is added to the body. These cells are involved in the formation of new proteins by linking amino acids together. In order to get better results, you need more muscle mass.


The fact that caffeine enhances alertness in the body should not be surprising. The caffeine you consume will improve your performance and make you more focused and alert during your workouts. Excessive amounts can be dangerous, so determine your tolerance and adjust your intake accordingly.

Before an intense workout, caffeine is recommended to be taken in small doses of 300 grams or more, so that you can stay focused and gain energy.

In a state of alertness, caffeine activates the sympathetic nervous system. This system produces epinephrine, a hormone that induces the breakdown of glycogen in muscles.

Additionally, it oxidizes fatty acids in the skeletal muscles. As a result of these processes, energy is produced in the body that is used for high intensity workouts.

The body can be kept at a high-energy level throughout the day by caffeine, thus increasing endurance.

L-Carnitine L-Tartrate

There are 20 major amino acids found in the body, all of which are present in the L confirmation. These two amino acids are not commonly found in large amounts in the body. Since L-Carnitine is uncommon and is not readily present in the body, it has to be obtained externally.

Fat burning is aided by this amino acid, which mobilizes body fats for energy. It also reduces the amount of time it takes to recover after a long workout by reducing the amount of fatigue. With the use of this supplement, you will be able to reduce the recovery time after a HIIT workout session to one day. With more time to exercise, you will have a lot more endurance.

Also, L-Carnitine helps muscle glycogen reserves. As the body consumes carbohydrates, some of them are converted into glucose while the excess is stored as glycogen in the body. As this supplement increases muscle glycogen reserves, it ensures that muscles have energy whenever they are needed by breaking it down. By breaking it down, the body is able to use it when it is in need of energy.

Additionally, this supplement protects the body from free radical formation, which can be damaging to the body long-term due to chemical reactions in the body.

Wear and tear to muscle tissues occurs during exercise. In addition to protecting muscle tissues from damage, L-Carnitine reduces muscle soreness and keeps you energized for your next workout. Additionally, taking this supplement reduces muscle soreness and keeps you motivated.

It is suggested that HIIT workout participants take about 3 grams of this supplement every day after their workout.


This supplement is similar to the amino acid glycine, which occurs naturally in your body as well as in a number of foods, such as beets, shellfish, and spinach. However, it is likely you don't get enough of it from your diet.

In the body, betaine can donate a methyl group to creatine to form it. It has been mentioned above that creatine has plenty of health benefits for the active person. In addition to boosting the health of skeletal muscles, betaine keeps lactate levels low and eliminates this acid. It also keeps the body energized.

Additionally, it facilitates the rate at which muscle proteins are synthesized. Proteins are crucial in the body's natural repair mechanism, so they are essential to reducing recovery time.

When combined with betaine, water reduces exhaustion by a factor of 40 times. Most athletes and individuals who work out frequently drink water to stay hydrated and reduce exhaustion.


A supplement called citrulline helps the body synthesize nitric oxide: one of the most important substances for regulating blood flow to the muscles and other organs.

Oxygen and nutrients are in the blood for the body's wellness and strength. The more blood flowing to the muscles, the more nutrients the muscles can extract energy from, and the more oxygen they receive, the less lactic acid they produce. As a result, fatigue is reduced and energy is increased.

The use of Citrulline malate also contributes to the fat loss process. In normal HIIT sessions, the percentage of fat loss is 1.2%. However, with Citrulline malate, the percentage of fat loss is 2.3%.

By stabilizing the pH of the blood, citrulline prevents the effects of lactic acid on the body. Taking up to 6 grams of citrulline an hour before exercise can keep the body energized throughout the day.

With controlled doses of these supplements, high intensity workouts will produce better results. Taken regularly, these supplements ensure maximum performance, quicker recovery and greater energy.


The bottom line is that HIIT can help you gain muscle, lose fat, and improve your athletic performance.

It is important to build in rest and recovery between workouts so that you continue to get results. With the shortest, most effective workouts on the market, you'll see your body transform with the help of a good diet and supplements.