Men's Wellness and Selfcare

What are 5 key benefits of focusing on wellness holistically?


In order to cultivate a sense of wholeness, here are 5 key benefits.

#1 Benefit: Deep Impact On Your Life As A Whole

Thousands of millionaires commit suicide each year. How many people who grew up in privileged backgrounds feel their lives are meaningless, empty, and pointless?

You might be surprised to learn there are a lot of people who appear to have it all together, yet they are consistently under stress, believing that everything could just fall apart at any time.

A lot of people suffer from these stresses because they did not take care of their entire being. Sure, you might have millions of dollars in the bank, but that doesn't really help your health.

When you focus on the whole you, you achieve a tremendous sense of inner calm. Things fall into place. You get to see the big picture. And this allows you to feel in control.

As a result, you no longer feel adrift. You no longer think there's not much going on in your life, even if certain areas of your life are succeeding. You are operating with a sense of purpose.

It is because of wholeness that this can all happen. It doesn't just look at certain aspects of your life and fix them. Instead, it looks at the big picture and realizes how everything is intertwined. In other words, the more progress you make patching things up in certain aspects of your life, the more peace, calm, and assurance you will experience elsewhere.

Benefit #2: Integrated Approach To Well-being

As an analogy, I like the squeezed balloon because it illustrates how integrated a complete human being is. When you press on one aspect of a person, it impacts all the rest.

It emphasizes that you don't know which part of your system will be affected the most. Any change will affect the whole system, but some parts of it will be more impacted than others.

As a whole-wellness lifestyle approach, we look at your health as a complete system. We don't slice and dice you, as traditional Western medicine does. We don't focus on our psychological mood or biochemical state, instead we embrace it fully.

In order to make a more comprehensive and sustainable change, this method looks at the many heaps that make you up.

Furthermore, changing your assumptions and expectations about certain aspects of your life could have a significant impact on your physical health, your career, and your overall stress levels.

Benefit #3: Organically Centered

Holistic approaches on wholeness have a number of great benefits, including the fact that they are chemical-free. We will teach you certain truths that will help you change based on your own willpower and attitude.

Taking a pill or capsule won't solve your problems. It's all organic. It involves your focus and decision-making.

Benefit #4: A Focus On Nature

Traditional Western medicine has one of the greatest drawbacks in that it often boils down to human beings modifying Mother Nature in their own way. It is based on the idea that human nature is so wild and unpredictable that the only way to control it is to apply some sort of artificial template.

The way we see it, you have certain natural tendencies. Since such tendencies cannot be canceled, we teach you how to work with them instead.

You can either create a dam to produce electricity by using the flow of the river, or you can reroute the river by digging new trenches and changing its route.

It may seem easy to change the flow of a river, but if it rains really hard or a certain climate change occurs, your river will quickly go back to its natural flow.

Mother Nature, as well as human nature, can be better approached by working together instead of against them.

We all have tendencies. These are hardwired. A wholeness approach focuses on how the world is, rather than our idealized vision.

Benefit #5: Allows For Personal Choice And Autonomy

Taking control over your life is part of the wholeness principle that you are reading about in this article. Your frustration and anxiety are really about the belief that you have no control over your life.

At some point, you feel as though you're not in control regardless of what you do. This eats away at you and prevents you from finding inner peace. At a certain point, you feel like you're just going through the motions. This leads to a downward spiral of powerlessness and an absence of purpose.

By applying what we teach you in this article, you regain that sense of choice. When you take back power, you become more independent. You no longer feel at the mercy of what others think of you. You are no longer ruled by your genetic predispositions.

You start to see yourself in perspective; and you begin to realize that you can truly change your life's direction and quality. This leads to more responsibility, independence, and power for you.