Men's Wellness and Selfcare

10 Science-Based Lifestyle Hacks For Optimal Living


 Optimal Living has been discussed by other people and you wonder what it is and if it could help you achieve more of your life goals. We take a closer look at optimal living in this guide and explain how you can take advantage of its full potential by making changes to your life.

Achieving the goals you have set yourself requires finding the perfect balance in your life to achieve them. Optimal living is about improving yourself in all areas of your life, from productivity to success to fostering stronger and more positive relationships.

Continuous improvement is a fundamental part of optimal living.

We must make lifestyle changes to improve our mental and physical well-being, and we can do this by using lifestyle hacks.

The point of a lifestyle hack is to increase your productivity, efficiency, and efficiency in the areas that matter to you the most. If you put one in place, it will change the way you do things.

In today's hectic and frantic world, lifestyle hacks are so beneficial for your mental and physical well-being. It seems like we are all working harder than ever, trying to achieve more both professionally and personally, as well as staying physically and mentally fit.

Lifestyle hacks can prove indispensable when it comes to simplifying our lives and making a big difference to how we face the world. You'll find that you'll soon see positive changes ripple out into all aspects of your daily life. These simple methods are quick and easy to implement, but can simplify and improve how we live exponentially.

Interested in putting in place lifestyle hacks that will help you to achieve the best possible physical and mental health? Read on and discover ten changes you can make to make it easier to be healthy.

1: Track Your Sleep

The importance of sleep can't be overstated for both physical and mental health. When you don't get enough sleep, you can't function effectively. You may not only be less productive at work and at home, but you may even be experiencing serious health problems. It is well known that inadequate sleep can lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression, as well as physical problems like hypertension and heart disease, which can have long-term and severe consequences.

Although we all know that we should get at least eight hours of sleep every night, achieving that goal can be challenging. Getting enough rest is a serious challenge for many people, whether they work shifts, have family obligations, or have school or college work to complete. Keeping track of your sleep patterns may be the answer to that question.

Sleep Tracking: How and Why?

In today's technology, sleep tracking is available at home, so you can track your sleep. Now you can buy wearable sleep trackers that keep track of your sleep patterns, helping you know how long you sleep, the stages you reach while sleeping, and the quality of your sleep.

With the ability to personalize everything in our lives, it makes sense that you should also be able to customize your sleep patterns. You may not need the same number of hours of sleep every night, but if you track your patterns, you can get a better sense of how much sleep you need.

Wearable sleep trackers will help you determine the cause of your sleep problems if you are experiencing them. In the past, professional sleep assessments had to be completed in a sleep laboratory, but now you have them in your own bed, so you can have similar functionality at your fingertips. Modern sleep trackers are accurate and accessible, so you can spot problematic patterns and change your habits.

You will also wake up at a more optimal time if you track your sleep patterns. The best sleep trackers come with smart alarms that wake you at the lightest sleep stage. This prevents you from waking up groggy and irritable. Your day will begin feeling more productive because you will be rested and ready from the start.

Tracking your sleep has many benefits

The use of a sleep tracker can help you improve your sleep quality and, as a result, improve your quality of life. In this day and age, insomnia is more prevalent than it's ever been, which is why getting enough quality sleep is imperative.

Those who are sleep deprived for extended periods of time are likely to develop physical and mental problems. Hunger, cancer, respiratory disease, and type II diabetes are all linked with insomnia.

When we are aware of what we do during the day, we often forget what we do at night.

We monitor our behavior during the day, from what we eat to how much exercise we get, so we should do the same at night.

Tracking your sleep has the greatest benefit of helping you see relationships between your sleep patterns and your overall health. If you consume coffee or caffeine, for example, you'll find out whether it negatively affects your sleep, or if alcohol negatively impacts your sleep.

Furthermore, you'll find out whether exercising in the evening or morning is best for your sleep patterns, and whether spending time outside improves or worsens your sleep patterns.

In this experiment, you will learn how much your sleep, or lack thereof, is correlated with your stress and anxiety levels, as well as how much your use of devices and computers has an impact on your sleep.

It can even show you whether eating late at night or consuming certain foods affects your sleep, and for women, whether their menstrual cycle affects their sleep.

Once you have pinpointed these patterns, you can easily adopt changes in your lifestyle that will not only improve your sleep, but also improve your productivity, fitness, and health as well as your overall health and happiness.

2: Protect Yourself from Blue Light

The awareness of how blue light can affect our bodies is growing, but as we use more devices, we are exposed to it more than ever before. In order to be in the best of our health, we need to minimize the amount of blue light we allow ourselves. Why is that? Read on to find out why.

What are the effects of blue light on your body?

The key to understanding why blue light is so harmful to our health is understanding how light interacts with our eyes. Light is composed of different colored waves, each with its own energy. Red light starts the visible light spectrum. It has low energy waves and is easier on the eyes during the night. However, blue light has the highest energy waves, so it is difficult to process it effectively.

In addition to being vital for our daily lives, high energy light waves are also harmful when they are absorbed by our bodies at the wrong times. Sunlight produces high energy light that regulates sleep patterns effectively. Light enters our eyes during the day to release enzymes, lower our levels of melatonin, and help us wake up in the morning.

A circadian rhythm regulates our sleep cycles, but it is too easy to disrupt this cycle. Excessive exposure to blue light can severely disrupt your circadian rhythm cycle. In fact, it causes your body to release less melatonin at bedtime, which prevents you from sleeping properly and leads to exhaustion.

Eye strain, nearsightedness and dry, itching eyes are all caused by blue light emitted by screens from laptops, smartphones and tablets. Blue light affects the retina as well as the cellular anchors and can lead to advanced macular degeneration early on. Several experts have even linked obesity with melatonin disruption and cancer development. In order to reduce excessive exposure to blue light, it is essential to avoid it.

Blue Light Exposure: How Can It Be Resolved?

The manufacturers of devices are now beginning to develop new technological solutions to help resolve the problem of blue light, which can cause us harm. Several devices now offer blue-filter covers for VR goggles, mobile phones, and laptops, and some now feature “evening modes” that limit your exposure to blue light during the evening hours when using your device.

Obviously, avoiding using any devices at night and during the evening is the obvious solution to the problem of blue light exposure. It is recommended that we keep our smartphones and tablets out of the bedroom, as well as avoid using any devices for several hours before going to bed. Unfortunately, this isn't always practical or even desirable, so how do we avoid it?

An affordable blue-light protective glass might be the answer. This type of device has an integrated HEV filter that prevents blue light from affecting your sleep patterns. You can use it whenever you want without worrying about exposure to blue light.

In the absence of any visible light reaching the back of the eye, blue light blocker glasses have special filters that prevent high energy visible light from reaching it. They can either be purchased as a standalone pair of glasses or as a pair of special night-time glasses that are worn over a regular pair of spectacles. The blue light emitted from your devices and LED lights will be blocked by these around an hour before you go to sleep, helping you to get a better night's sleep.

3: Drink Alkaline Water

In addition to drinking alkaline water, another useful biohack is to drink it regularly. This is one of the newest discoveries in the health and wellness industry, and it is very easy to implement.

Despite the fact that we all know that water is essential to every tissue, organ and cell in our bodies, many of us fail to drink enough water to stay hydrated. A new study has found that not only do we need to drink more water, but also the type of water that we drink matters. It is believed that alkaline water is the best thing for us to drink. Why is this?

Alkaline water has many benefits. Why is it better?

An oxygen-hydrogen ion is measured by a pH value, which is a measurement of how many hydrogen ions are in the water.

As compared to standard tap water, alkaline water contains fewer hydrogen ions.

The pH level of water is 0 to 14. 7 is considered neutral, where alkaline and acidic levels are equally balanced. Water with a pH level under 7 is acidic, while water with a pH level above 7 is alkaline. A typical faucet water in the USA has a pH of between 4.3 and 5.3, depending on your location.

As a result of the higher number of hydrogen ions in alkaline water, those who extol its virtues claim that it provides more hydration than regular water, particularly when exercising. Regular tap water that has an acidic pH is also believed to cause a wide range of health problems due to the build-up of acid in your blood and cells.

Alkaline water reduces the amount of acid in your bloodstream, boosts your metabolism, increases your energy levels, slows down the aging process, improves your digestion and even reduces bone loss, according to the experts. Some even claim that it can starve cancer cells.

In addition to neutralizing free radicals, alkaline water also helps protect DNA and cells from damage due to free radicals. Because of the small cluster size of the water, it penetrates the cells more easily, hydrating you better, and providing you with alkaline minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium helps to keep you healthy as well.

The oxygen present in alkaline water also increases blood oxygen levels, and its detoxifying properties enable your body to absorb nutrients better because mucus can be removed from the walls of the colon.

Its negatively charged ions help boost your alertness, mental clarity, and energy levels, while flushing out toxins and acidic waste that has accumulated in your body. In addition to controlling your weight, it can help you stay healthy in the long run by removing pollutants found in tap water.

How to Benefit from Alkaline Water

It's possible to buy bottled alkaline water in stores, but one of the most delicious ways to consume it is by making it yourself with a water ionizer at home.

During low voltage electrolysis, a water ionizer purifies and ionizes your tap water. This unit connects to the kitchen water supply.

With a water ionizer, water is redirected from the faucet through a hose into the unit, and it is then filtered to remove most of the pollutants that are found in regular tap water with a special attachment. A titanium electrode coated with platinum is then installed in a chamber where the filtered water is passed on to electrolysis.

Water becomes reduced (or cathodic) when positive ions come together at the negative electrode. On the other hand, water becomes anodic or oxidized when negative ions come together at the positive electrode.

A hose with ionized water leads to the faucet, whereas a hose with oxidized water leads to the sink. The ionized water can then be used for cooking or drinking. The oxidized water is also a good sterilizing agent that can be used to clean utensils, food and hands, and treat wounds and eczema.

The advantages of alkaline water can be enjoyed without much hassle or fuss if you invest in a water ionizer for your home.

4: Consider red light therapy

How can red light therapy help us improve our overall well-being? Ready to find out how red light therapy treats a number of skin problems? Red light therapy is a therapeutic technique which uses low-level red light wavelengths to treat a range of skin problems like wounds, scars and wrinkles.

Red Light Therapy: What Is It?

Researchers discovered that the intense light produced by red LEDs (light-emitting diodes) promotes photosynthesis and the growth of plant cells during the 1990s when red light therapy was being used for growing plants in space. Researchers began to study the potential benefits of red light in medicine during this period, testing whether red light therapy could improve bone density, speed wound healing, and delay muscle atrophy.

There are also several different types of red light therapy, including photo-biomodulation, low-level light therapy, cold laser therapy, soft laser therapy, bio-stimulation, low power laser therapy, and photonic stimulation. As well as treating serious conditions such as psoriasis and wounds that take a long time to heal, RLT is also used to treat cosmetic issues like stretch marks and wrinkles.

It works by strengthening mitochondria within the cells by producing biochemical effects in them. A cell's powerhouse is its mitochondria, which produce its own energy. ATP is the energy-carrying molecule inside the cell, and by increasing the mitochondria's function, RLT increases ATP production. Consequently, cells have more energy which enables them to regenerate, repair damage and function more efficiently.

With RLT, you don't have to worry about damaging the skin surface, unlike with IPL or laser therapies. Instead, you can expect a range of benefits, including:

• Promotion of tissue repair and wound healing

• Improved hair growth

• Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome

• Stimulates healing of wounds that are slow to heal

• Reduction of psoriasis lesions

• Relief of stiffness and pain in those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis

• Reduction of side effects from cancer treatments

• Improved complexion and increased collagen for diminished wrinkles

• Repairing from sun damage

• Prevention of recurring cold sores

• Improved joint health in those with osteoarthritis

• Diminished scars

• Relief of inflammation and pain

There are several reasons why you should consider Red Light Therapy to improve your overall health and well-being.

How to Benefit from Red Light Therapy

A variety of FDA-approved red light therapy devices can be purchased for use at home. However, red light therapy can be found in day spas, gyms and tanning salons for cosmetic purposes. While these will not be as powerful as those in medical use, they are effective at combating unwanted signs of premature aging such as fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. To ensure you reap maximum benefits from treatment for a medical condition, however, you'll need to consult a doctor.

If the devices are used properly, RLT is painless and safe. Some people have suffered burns as a result of corrosion of the devices, broken wires, or if they slept with their units still attached. As long as the instructions are followed correctly, red light therapy isn't harmful. However, eye protection must be worn since red light can cause damage to the eyes.

Red light therapy has been shown to be effective in treating several skin problems, so it's worthwhile to incorporate it into your regular skincare routine. It is best to consult your doctor before considering red light therapy if you are concerned about your symptoms, but many people find that red light therapy has many benefits that make it well worth purchasing a device that emits red light.

5: Get More Active

Although we all know that we should get plenty of exercise to maintain our health and well-being, the majority of us don't get enough activity on a daily or weekly basis, despite this widespread knowledge. You should also include more exercise into your life as the next important biohack. But how do you do this on a tight schedule? Here are some ways to become more active in your everyday life and some benefits of being more physically active.

Sedentary Lifestyles Have Their Problems

We live sedentary lives according to media reports, but how does this affect us?

A sedentary lifestyle is defined as being one where you are not physically active enough on a regular basis. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), we should do 150 minutes of moderate exercise a day, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. To improve your health and reduce the risk of health complications associated with inactivity, it is recommended that you walk 10,000 steps every day.

According to WHO (World Health Organization), 85 percent of the world's population is not physically active enough, making sedentary lifestyle the fourth leading cause of death worldwide.

Our traditional belief is that eating healthily and exercising can counteract all the negative effects of sitting for too long. The evidence now suggests, however, that even if you exercise for half an hour a day, you may not be able to prevent the damage. The best solution appears to be reducing the amount of time we spend sitting down and increasing the amount of time we spend moving every day.

Sitting all day at a desk, or driving a bus or taxi every day, has numerous negative consequences. Consider the following:

• A greater risk of developing certain cancers

• A greater risk of developing depression and anxiety

• A higher chance of suffering from certain cardiovascular problems

• A greater chance of becoming obese or overweight

• Decreased skeletal muscle mass

• Hypertension

• Elevated cholesterol levels

Approximately 6 percent of coronary heart disease and type II diabetes are caused by sedentary lifestyles, while 10 percent of breast cancer cases and 10 percent of colon cancer cases result from sedentary lifestyles. There is even evidence that inactivity causes more deaths than smoking every year, according to recent reports.

Since technology has changed how we live our lives, we are sedentary more than we have ever been. In the past, fewer people used cars and had desk jobs. They also engaged in more physical hobbies and pastimes than watching television and playing video games. Since the 1950s, there have been over 80 percent more sedentary jobs, and when we add into that the longer average working weeks, we have spent a lot more time sitting in chairs.

You will need to counteract the negative effects of sedentary living by implementing several biohacking changes to improve your health, fitness, and overall well-being.

How Can I Get More Active?

Our physical health is of utmost importance, but our lives are also busier than ever. We all face pressure in a fast-paced world of caregiving for children or elderly parents, demanding jobs, and a hectic social life. It is certainly obvious that the best way to get more active is to go to the gym or spend an hour at home every morning or evening.

However, some people just can't afford to do this.

Getting to the gym can be intimidating for many people, while fitting physical activity into a daily routine can be virtually impossible. Therefore, finding ways to become more active while doing everyday activities is essential.

Make your daily routine healthier with these simple hacks.

•Instead of a regular desk, switch to a standing one. The office worker is often tethered to his or her desk all day, but if you stand instead of sitting, you will feel less stiff and sluggish at the end of the working day. It has been shown that standing up and moving around every 30 minutes can reduce your risk of premature death by using more muscles than sitting. Even better, it promotes better posture which in turn reduces tiredness and stress while encouraging better productivity and steadier breathing. If you’d like to take things a step further, why not switch to a treadmill desk instead. This will help you to stay a lot more active while you work, and you can walk or jog at the same time as you carry out your essential work activities.

• For maximum benefits, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walking up an incline is healthier than walking on a flat surface. You can improve your cardiorespiratory fitness by climbing the stairs just three times per week. Your leg muscles will become stronger, and you will burn more calories to maintain your weight.

• The best way to workout is to include simple exercises in your daily routine. If you don't have enough time to go to the gym, do some muscle workouts instead. Adding small changes such as balancing can help you to improve your overall fitness and wellness. Even do squats while sitting at your desk or dips on your office chair will not require much effort.

If you want to improve your health, do modified pushups against your countertop while you brush your teeth.

• Ditch the car. Instead of driving to work or the store, try biking or walking instead. You’ll find that it will bring you mental and physical benefits.

• Use a resistance ball instead of a regular chair. Whether you’re at work or at home, switching your standing chair for a resistance ball will help to automatically straighten your spine, improve your posture and encourage you to stretch and move more often. You can even do some small exercises at the same time such as modified sit-ups to engage core muscle strength.

•   Take short walks during the day. During your lunch break, instead of vegetating at your desk, take a quick walk around the block instead. Just a ten-minute walk daily can give you positive mental and physical benefits. A workout doesn’t need to take an hour. Just 10 or 15 minutes of physical activity offers benefits too and will not only get your heart pumping but will also help you to improve your mental wellness.

6: Practice Mindfulness

Certainly, our modern world is fast-paced, so it’s no wonder that more and more people feel like they’ve lost touch with the here and now. Rushing about to accomplish all your essential tasks can be very stressful, so it’s no wonder that we’ve lost touch with the here and now. The way we feel at any given time is often overlooked, causing negative consequences, both mentally and physically.

In the morning, did you feel rested? Did you notice the flowers blooming on your street?

Did you hear the birds singing as you arrived at work? If the answer to those questions was no, you might want to consider mindfulness.

Mindfulness: What Is It?

Mindfulness is a way of focusing all your attention on a moment and accepting your feelings and sensations without judgment. Increasing your happiness and reducing your stress levels has been proven to be a major component of it.

While mindfulness came from Buddhism, virtually every religion utilizes some form of meditation or prayer to take your thoughts away from your usual preoccupations and to appreciate the present moment more fully.

In addition to improving psychological symptoms and physical symptoms, mindfulness can also help to improve attitudes, behaviors, and health. Being mindful allows you to be present in life's pleasures as they occur. This allows you to engage more fully with activities and cope with negative events in your life with greater ease.

When you focus on the present moment, you will be less likely to worry about what you have done in the past or what you will do in the future. As a result, you'll be able to connect more deeply with other people while having fewer concerns about self-esteem and success.

Several studies have demonstrated that mindfulness improves your physical health, such as improving heart health, reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, reducing pain, improving sleep, and alleviating gastrointestinal issues. As well as relieving substance abuse, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and OCD, it also offers a host of mental health benefits.

How Does Mindfulness Work?

According to experts, mindfulness works by assisting people to accept experiences and emotions instead of avoiding them or aversions them.

It is possible to practice mindfulness in many ways, but the primary goal is to become more alert and focused while remaining relaxed by being aware of your sensations and thoughts without judgment at any given moment. In this way, your mind can concentrate on the present more effectively.

Several mindfulness techniques exist, but here is a basic guide to incorporating mindfulness into your life:

•   Start by sitting down quietly and focusing on your breathing patterns. Alternatively, you can focus on a mantra or word which you repeat to yourself silently. Allow your thoughts to go and come with no judgement, returning every time to focusing on your mantra or breathing.

•   Notice the subtle sensations in your body like tingling or itching. Again, don’t judge them, just allow them to pass. Focus on your attention on every part of the body from your head to your toes.

•   Notice the sounds, sights, tastes, touches and smells around you. Again, exert no judgement, just allow them to come and go.

•   All your emotions to stay present but don’t judge them. Name your emotions steadily and in a relaxed way. Accept their presence then allow them to go.

•   Cope with your cravings, whether they are for a pattern of behavior or for a substance. Acknowledge the feelings but allow them to pass through you without judgement. Replace your wish for that craving to subside with the knowledge that this will happen eventually.

The practice of mindfulness can be achieved alone by practicing yoga, tai chi, or other methods of concentration meditation. You simply need to establish concentration, observe the thoughts, sensations and emotions flowing through your body without judgement, and notice the sensations that you experience. It may not seem relaxing at first, but after some practice and time you'll realize you're happier and more self-aware as a result of the process.

How to Implement Mindfulness Practice in Your Life

It is possible to introduce mindfulness practice into your life by attending a class or purchasing a meditation CD. There are, however, less formal approaches that you can follow. Here are a few tips that will make the journey smoother:

• Consider practicing mindfulness while walking, showering, or eating.

• Concentrate on the sensations you are experiencing in your body.

• Let the air flow into your belly and into your lower back. Breathe slowly through your nose.

• Inhale slowly and exhale slowly.

• Exhale and inhale and note the sensations you experience.

• Consider your chosen task carefully before proceeding.

• Experience every touch, sound, and sight with all your senses engaged. Savour every moment.

• Bring your attention back gently to the sensations you're experiencing if you notice your mind is wandering.

Mindfulness cannot be rushed, but the more often you practice it, the more effective it will be. Be prepared for about 20 minutes before your mind begins to calm down. To get started, you should practice the above techniques for short periods of time a few times a week. Then work up to longer periods of meditation on more days of the week as you get stronger.

7: Eat a variety of whole foods

Despite our knowledge that we should eat more whole foods, it can be extremely tempting for us to reach for junk food and processed foods found in restaurants and stores everywhere. Junk food is a constant presence in our daily lives.

More people are snacking on junk food from an early age due to the presence of McDonald's, Burger King, and KFC in malls all over the country. Processed food is more popular than ever before, but it comes at the cost of a host of health and wellness issues for the body and mind.

Increasing your intake of whole foods and incorporating them more effectively into your daily regimen can help you improve your health. Here, we examine how junk food can negatively impact your health.

Problems with junk food

Foods with low nutrients and high calories are considered junk food. There has been a dramatic increase in the consumption of convenience and fast food over the past few years, and around one quarter of the population consumes mostly processed food. As a result, chronic disease has increased rapidly.

A major problem associated with junk food consumption is obesity. In the USA alone, obesity is predicted to reach 42 percent by 2050. The intake of processed food is higher in carbs, sugar, and fat than it is necessary for children. With 187 extra calories consumed per day than they need, it's no wonder they gain 6 pounds each year, increasing their risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The risk of developing diabetes is another complication caused by junk food consumption. It is important to note that insulin levels rise every time you consume processed sugars, such as white flour, soft drinks, and other foods that lack the essential nutrients and fiber to help your body metabolize carbs properly. A chronic high insulin level can result in insulin resistance if you eat junk food during the day, which leads to type II diabetes.

In the absence of fiber, minerals, and vitamins, you can become nutritionally deficient. It leads to low energy levels, sleep disturbances, low productivity, and mood swings. In addition to the high sodium content in junk food, overconsumption of salt also results in heart, kidney, and liver disease, as well as hypertension.

A 2015 study showed that people on high glycemic diets suffered more from depression than those on low GI diets.

Considering that junk foods lead to poor health, it follows that we should look for alternatives that promote wellbeing and good health. This is where whole foods can help.

Exactly what are Whole Foods?

A "whole food" is food that is as close to its natural state as possible. They are beneficial for our health because they are packed with nutrients.

In order to stay healthy, free of disease, and slow aging, we should aim to consume around 75 percent of our diet in whole foods.

Besides vegetables and fruits that are not processed, whole grains like oats, millet, quinoa, cornmeal, buckwheat, rye, and brown rice should also be eaten. Additionally, we should eat more legumes and beans like chickpeas and lentils as well as seeds and nuts. Furthermore, whole foods include those from animal origins, such as fish, eggs, seafood, poultry, and lean red meats like veal, pork, lamb, and beef.

You can consume the optimal amount of daily nutrients you need for overall health and well-being if you eat unprocessed foods.

In addition to minerals, vitamins, fiber, essential fatty acids, and phytonutrients, whole foods contain many other nutrients. Furthermore, they contain a lot of substances that cannot be synthesized by the body and thus have to be obtained through food. In other words, valine, an amino acid, cannot be made by the body itself and must therefore be obtained from food. Including plenty of whole foods in your daily routine is essential for tissue repair and muscle metabolism.

Taking whole foods in their natural form allows you to take advantage of a synergistic effect that helps your body function efficiently. In addition, whole foods are rich in antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals and help fight diseases like heart disease and cancer. For example, tryptophan, an amino acid, is converted to serotonin by B vitamins.

What are the benefits of eating more whole foods?

Vegetables and fruits have been known for many years as essential foods for our health, but we still struggle to incorporate enough of them into our diets. Whole foods, however, can prevent us from becoming ill and help us prevent obesity from occurring.

The results of many studies suggest that eating more whole foods will help you get the nutrients you need to ensure your body functions properly, including fiber, calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin D, protein, potassium, and essential fatty acids. You may feel sick and tired when you consume processed foods because they are difficult for you to digest.

You'll enjoy a host of benefits when you eat more whole foods:

•   Improved blood sugar levels. Processed foods contain insulin growth factor which makes your blood sugar levels higher. As

a result, you experience blood sugar swings and cravings. Whole foods won’t cause these spikes and will help you to maintain balance throughout the day.

•   Improved digestion. Whole foods contain lots of fiber which is a vital nutrient for digestion. This fiber is natural and will help you to feel fuller for longer while also supporting your digestion and lowering your blood sugar levels as it breaks down slowly in the body.

•   Higher energy levels – the body is more capable of deriving energy from natural foods than processed ones, so you’ll start to feel more energized with a faster metabolism when you eat more whole foods.

•   Reduced pain – processed foods have high inflammatory properties. Since they are acidic in nature, they create pH level imbalances which can result in chronic pain condition symptoms becoming worse. Whole foods keep your body more alkaline and therefore free from inflammation and pain.

Whole Foods: How to Eat More of Them

What if you wanted to add more whole foods to your diet but did not know how? Here are a few quick tips:

•   Switch to traditional oats rather than instant oat cereals. Instant oats will usually have oat bran removed. This means that a lot of the fiber and vitamins have been removed, reducing its nutritional value.

•   Switch to whole vegetables and fruit rather than packaged juice. When fruit is juiced, it becomes a concentrated sugar source, and this elevates your blood sugar level much more rapidly when compared with whole fruits. Juicers also remove the skin and pulp of the fruit, so antioxidants and flavonoids are stripped away. Packaged juices also have extra sugar added together with preservatives and chemicals.

•   Switch to fresh fish rather than frozen or canned fish. Fish contain essential fatty acids that are often removed or reduced during the packaging process. You need omega 3 fatty acids to keep your nervous, immune, reproductive and cardiovascular systems functioning properly.

You can easily find whole foods for sale in grocery stores if you shop in the aisles dedicated to fresh food. As you move towards the center of the store, remember that you’ll find more processed foods, so try to shop on the outer edges of the store. You’ll also find whole foods in farmers’ markets and at health food stores.

As long as you increase your wholefood intake to around 75 percent, you'll enjoy much better health and overall well-being.

8: Add Probiotics to Your Diet

The majority of people think bacteria are dangerous and bad for them, but this isn't true. Many kinds of bacteria are beneficial to our bodies and can be helpful for us. Known as probiotics, or friendly bacteria, these living microorganisms can help your body to function more efficiently.

A probiotic has a variety of health benefits and can be beneficial to you in a variety of ways. By strengthening the immune system and preventing dangerous bacteria from adhering to the inner wall of the intestines, they also enhance the natural microflora in the GI tract.

As a result of certain lifestyles or medical factors, the number of disease-causing bacteria can grow exponentially. The human body usually has an optimal balance of bacteria, but certain lifestyles or medical factors can cause imbalances. Antibiotics, digestive issues, surgeries, PPIs, chronic stress, gluten sensitivities, and even the standard American diet can cause such imbalances.

The best way to improve your health and well-being is to incorporate probiotics into your daily diet.

How Do Probiotics Work?

Fermented foods and yogurt contain a beneficial amount of live bacteria, known as probiotics. Your digestive system will benefit from them by bringing back the balance between the good and bad bacteria in your microbiome. As a result, your chances of suffering from many different diseases and medical conditions are reduced.

Kefir and yogurt are natural sources of probiotics, but they can also be obtained from enriched foods as well as specialist supplements. It's best to obtain your probiotics from natural sources.

Foods that contain probiotics include:

•   Unpasteurized kimchi and sauerkraut

•   Miso soup

•   Enriched milk and soft cheese

•   Sour pickles in saltwater

•   Sourdough bread

Here are some of the most beneficial probiotic foods that you can enjoy every day:

•   Yogurt – this is a top probiotic source since it contains milk which has been fermented by good bacteria such as bifidobacterial and lactic acid bacteria. Not only can yogurt boost your bone health it can reduce high blood pressure and relieve unwanted symptoms associated with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Not every type of yogurt contains probiotics, so you need to only choose yogurts with live or active cultures.

•   Kefir – this probiotic fermented milk drink is made from goat or cow’s milk with added kefir grains. Again, kefir can strengthen the bones, help with digestive issues and protect the body from infections.

•   Sauerkraut – this is made from shredded cabbage which has been fermented with lactic acid bacteria. Not only is sauerkraut packed with fiber and vitamins; it also contains manganese, iron and sodium as well as antioxidants which boost eye health. You need to make sure that the sauerkraut you’ve chosen is unpasteurized to experience its probiotic benefits.

•   Tempeh – this product is made from fermented soybeans and is popular as a substitute for meat. The fermentation process means that you can absorb more minerals from tempeh. It is also a rich source of vitamin B12 while also offering probiotic benefits.

•   Kimchi – this spicy, fermented Korean dish is usually made from cabbage which has been flavored with chili pepper, ginger, garlic, salt and scallions. It also contains Lactobacillus kimchi which benefits your digestive health.

•   Miso – this Japanese seasoning is made from fermented soybeans. Usually made into soup, miso is an excellent source of fiber and protein and is packed with plant compounds, minerals and vitamins.

•   Kombucha – this fermented green or black tea drink originates from Asia.

•   Pickles – gherkins are fermented in salt and are an excellent source of probiotic bacteria which boosts digestive health.

•   Buttermilk – traditional buttermilk is the liquid that is left behind after making butter. It contains probiotics as well as valuable minerals and vitamins.

•   Natto – this fermented soybean product is like miso and tempeh which contains Bacillus subtilis. It is also high in vitamin K2 and protein.

•   Some cheeses – although many kinds of cheese are fermented, they don’t all contain probiotics. Only those that have active and live cultures do. Cottage cheese, cheddar, mozzarella and gouda are all good examples of cheeses in which the good bacteria survive the process of aging.

There are many probiotic foods which you can add to your diet, however, if you dislike all of them, you could always try a probiotic supplement which can be taken daily to improve your overall health and well-being.

9: Cryotherapy

The use of cryotherapy has been around for quite some time, but it has only recently gained mainstream acceptance. Celebrities have begun to extol the virtues of cryotherapy, particularly sports stars who claim that it speeds up their recovery from exercise. But what is cryotherapy? How does it work and who can it help?

What is Cryotherapy?

Celebrity and athlete popularity has led to cryotherapy becoming increasingly popular in wellness centers and spas. It has been shown to speed recovery after working out, as well as relieve asthma, anxiety, arthritis, and make skin look younger, all thanks to its subzero temperatures.

A cryotherapy session consists of standing in a whole-body cryo-chamber, a can-like enclosure with an open top that exposes the user's head only to sub-zero temperature while the rest of the body is kept warm.

In order to prevent frostbite, you must wear gloves, socks, and underwear when you undergo WBC (whole body cryotherapy). While it may feel uncomfortable and strange, it isn't painful or unpleasant even if the session lasts a few minutes. You can also use targeted cryotherapy to relieve pain by exposing only one part of your body to subzero temperatures.

By lowering the body temperature to a point that triggers the “fight or flight” mode, cryotherapy works. As a result, blood is sent to the heart where it is oxygenated and pumped full of nutrients, causing the body to send blood from the extremities to the heart. Upon exiting the chamber, freshly oxygenated blood is pumped back around the body to enhance recovery and healing.

Cryotherapy Benefits: What are they?

Among the many benefits of cryotherapy are:

•   Reduction of migraine symptoms – cryotherapy is believed to treat migraines since it numbs and cools the nerves around the neck, cooling down the blood which passes through the intracranial vessels.

•   Reduced nerve irritation – cryotherapy is used by athletes to numb pain from irritated nerves. It is useful in treating neuromas, acute injuries, pinched nerves or chronic pain.

•   Treats mood disorders – when the whole body is subjected to sub-zero temperatures there is a physiological hormonal response in the body which includes the release of noradrenaline, endorphins and adrenaline. This can help those who experience depression and anxiety to experience a better mood.

•   Reduced arthritic pain – people suffering from arthritis can experience less pain when having either whole body or localized cryotherapy.

•   Treats skin problems – of you suffer from skin conditions like atopic dermatitis, you may find that cryotherapy can help to relieve dryness and itching. Cryotherapy reduces inflammation while also improving the levels of antioxidants in the blood which helps to improve the condition of the skin.

Acne is also relieved by it for the same reason.

•   Boosted weight loss – obesity is a major problem in the world today however cryotherapy has been found to have some weight-loss benefits since it speeds up the metabolism for several hours following treatment. This means that those who have WBC can effectively burn more calories after having a treatment session.

The above are just a few examples of the benefits reported after cryotherapy. As you can see, there are many reasons why you might want to consider trying it out for yourself to discover its benefits.

10: Purify Your Air

What concerns you most about air pollution? Do you suffer from allergies or asthma? Do you have pets in your house, or do you live with a smoker? If any of these questions apply to you, you should consider obtaining air purifiers. The purpose of this article is to explain why air purifiers are a top biohack for a healthier lifestyle for more people.

Air Purification: Why Do I Need It?

Often, we assume that the air inside our homes is clean and safe to breathe. However, it may come as a surprise to learn that the air inside our homes can just as polluted and contaminated.

There are a number of contaminants in the air inside your home, including dust, pet dander, smoke, and mold, and some pollutants in the air are five times higher inside your home than outside. Consequently, it is not surprising that so many people suffer from allergic reactions and asthma. It is vital to find a way to capture dust and pollen from the air.

What is the best way to tell if the air in your home needs to be cleaned?

Consider these reasons:

• You have pets. If you have a dog or a cat, you could end up suffering from respiratory problems. They shed dander onto surfaces of your home which cannot be removed by vacuuming alone. Purifying the air is the best way to be sure of getting rid of this problem effectively.

• You suffer from hay fever, asthma or allergies. During the spring and summer, hay fever is a common problem due to the pollen particles which are in the air. These irritate the eyes and can cause asthma. Purifying the air will remove these irritants so you can remain comfortable all season long.

• You have a mold problem at home. If your home is humid or prone to damp, you may find that mold is a problem. Bathrooms and kitchens are problem zones and without removing the spores from the air, you could develop breathing problems. Purifying the air eliminates this possibility.

• You have dust mites. Dust mites are in everyone’s home and can cause allergic reactions on the skin as well as breathing problems. If you purify the air, you won’t have to worry about this problem.

• You live with a smoker. Smoke from cigarettes can hang in the air for a long time causing breathing problems in susceptible individuals, not to mention unpleasant odors. If you purify the air, this won’t be an issue.

• You dislike cooking odors. Whether you live near to neighbors who cook strong-smelling foods or whether you cook them yourself but don’t want the odors lingering around your home, an air purifier can banish the unpleasant smells.

• You have compromised immunity. Airborne virus particles can move between individuals when they cough or sneeze. If you purify the air inside your home, your whole family will enjoy better health and overall well-being.

• You have a baby. Young children are especially at risk of airborne viruses and bacteria. They may also be more at risk when they’re exposed to harmful contaminants and pollutants in the indoor environment. Purifying the air will give your little ones the best chance of enjoying optimal health.

• You live close to a road, agricultural area or an industrial facility. If you live in an area which is at high risk of pollution, you should purify the air inside your home to keep the risk of contamination to a minimum.

To improve your overall health and well-being, you should consider purifying the air in your home for a number of reasons.

What can I do to keep my home's air pure?

You can do several things to keep the air in your home clean and pure. A good way to do this is to invest in an air purifier. By sucking air in and circulating it, this device captures particles and pollutants while delivering clean air to the living area. It consists of several filters as well as a fan.

Make sure your air purifier contains a HEPA filter. These filter capture particles of different sizes through a multi-layered net made of fiberglass threads. You should make sure your air purifier is equipped with a HEPA filter. In order to prevent even the tiniest ultrafine particles from causing problems in the environment, this airtight filter traps them and prevents their release. The air purifier should be large enough to effectively clean the air in the space where you reside, and should deliver clean air at a rate of over 350. This will ensure that the air is as clean and pure as possible.

In addition, you can take some other steps to improve the air quality in your home. As a first step, although it may seem counterintuitive, keep your windows open whenever possible so you can create cross-drafts. Your property will be protected from unwanted pollutants and contaminants, which can cause health problems if they become trapped inside.

To prevent mold from building up in your laundry areas, bathroom, and kitchen, you should also vacuum your floors frequently to eliminate dust mites which can cause respiratory issues and skin irritation.

Keeping your house clean will also help to improve the quality of the air in your home if you avoid lighting a wood fire and smoking. The harmful effects of second-hand smoke from tobacco can cause cancer in some cases, while smoke can cause breathing problems.

It is also important to ensure that the air in your home remains healthy and clean by regularly changing the filters in your vacuum cleaner, air purifier, and ventilation system.

In order to ensure that maximum pollutants are removed from the air that you and your family breathe every day, you must keep on top of the changing schedule to ensure a clogged filter does not readily capture contaminants and particles.

In conclusion

The modern world is highly pressured, and more than ever before, we live in a frantic state. The result is that we suffer from an array of physical, emotional and mental health issues, ranging from allergies to asthma to anxiety. Consequently, it is not surprising that so many people seek ways to reduce stress that can result from today's lifestyle, so they can improve their well-being.

Some of the suggestions suggested about how to minimize the problems associated with modern living are difficult to put into place and can be more trouble than they’re worth, but some of them aren’t worth the trouble. Hence, we've compiled these quick and simple ideas to make life easier for you.

Here are six biohacks that can help you improve your well-being and a healthier approach to life. By implementing a few small, simple changes, you can drastically improve the quality of your life.

A number of health problems may be plaguing you. Perhaps you're anxious, have asthma, or have skin problems. Or perhaps you want to live a healthier life without putting yourself at risk. This book is sure to include at least one biohack that will revolutionize the way you manage your day-to-day life.

If you want to limit your exposure to blue light, remove air pollutants and contaminants, or make your water alkaline, you can invest in simple pieces of equipment for your home. Making such changes is easy, and you’ll experience significant benefits as a result.

If you'd rather try some of the treatments we've recommended, like Red Light Therapy or Cryotherapy. Both provide a host of wellness benefits and can help you to live a happier, healthier lifestyle.

It is still possible to get a wealth of benefits from making biohack changes that are completely free and that you can put in place even if you are on a budget and cannot afford to go to a wellness spa for whole body cryotherapy or to purchase a water ionizer for your home water supply. When you integrate meditation and mindfulness into your daily routine, you can significantly increase your defenses against mental health problems, while choosing readily available probiotic foods like sauerkraut and yogurt into your diet can help you to improve digestion and achieve greater wellness.

One of the best biohacks you can use is to get active. You can boost your mental health, maintain a healthy body weight, and increase your fitness level simply by getting up and walking more during your working day, choosing to walk rather than driving or taking the bus, and using the stairs rather than the elevator.

You can turn your life around for the better with ten simple biohacks despite the fact that it may sound difficult to do so. Make one change at a time, and then over time you can make more changes until you achieve optimal health and wellness.

The day you start biohacking your life, you'll be happy that you did!