Men's Food, Nutrition, and Supplements

5 Cruciferous Vegetables That Can Lower Your Cholesterol

What comes to your mind when you think of a healthy and fit life?

Gyms, sports clubs, jogging, and maybe some healthy salads? The problem is, a majority of folks can't stay consistent with any of these. One simple reason, it's easy to build bad habits and extremely challenging to resist the temptation, especially with today's lifestyle. Then there is that "I will start this thing tomorrow" excuse which always finds its way to your mind.

Luckily, there is a way to manage health without starving or going to the gym. It won't give you that shredded size abs in a few weeks, but it will keep you away from disease and free from obesity.

The big secret is cruciferous vegetables. This family of plants consists of some exotic edibles which have little calories.

Now you may be thinking why these vegetable family? What’s so special about them?

Well, here's what makes them unique.



Cabbage! The name doesn't ring a bell or make you or feel good, does it?

Well, that's because you have no idea about the nutritional value and health benefits of this underrated vegetable. An average 89-gram cup of cabbage contains about 1g protein, 2g fiber, along with Folate, Manganese, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and a lot other. As for the calories, a cup would contain 22 calories which turn to almost zero after the digestion process.

Apart from the weight management qualities, cabbage also comes with some unique disease preventing chemicals and compounds.

The vegetable has a relatively high amount of antioxidants that are extremely helpful for eliminating the free radicals in the bloodstream. These free radicals are the culprit of heart attacks, vision loss, and cancer. Cabbage also has an anti-inflammation effect which further compliments its heart attack prevention properties. The anti-inflammation qualities also come in handy for preventing rheumatoid arthritis and bowel diseases.

Cabbage also contains Vitamin C which is the prime requirement for making collagen, a protein which strengthens skin, bones, muscles and blood vessels. The Vitamin content further, increases by 30% if you go for red cabbage.

The vegetable is also a great source of fiber which is a fuel for gut bacteria like Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. That can be very helpful for ensuring regular bowel movement.


Did you know that there are multiple types of broccoli and one of them is purple color? Sounds crazy, but it's true. There are three types of broccoli; sprouting broccoli, Calabrese broccoli, and the purple cauliflower broccoli.

Don't worry you don't have to find a specific variant for your food. These broccoli types may be different, but they all pack very similar nutritious qualities and taste. Each of them has a rich content of fibers, fats, proteins, and other elements. It also has some unusual properties like the property to deplete cancer-causing estrogens.

Needless to say, but this vegetable also has dietary fibers for slowing the digestion process and ensuring smooth bowel movements. These soluble fibers also draw out cholesterol and help bind with bile acids in the colon.

Broccoli is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, sulforaphane, and kaempferol which help to reduce the risk of joint destruction, allergies, and cholesterol. There is a considerable amount of antioxidants and vitamin C too. These nutrients assist in strengthening immunity, bones, heart and prevent skin, eye, premature aging, and chronic blood sugar issues.

The extraordinary vegetable is also a great detoxifier and anti-inflaming.


Did you know that you can prevent your skin from the sun by eating cauliflower?

Cauliflower contains an enzyme called Sulforaphane which has an excellent sunlight shielding effect.

Apart from that, cauliflower is a rich source of Vitamin K, phosphorus, vitamin B, Folate, calcium, selenium, and a lot more. These compounds make it an ideal remedy for a lot of standard as well as rare diseases.

It can prevent the body from skin cancer, inflammation, and cellular rupture. Cauliflower’s rich antioxidants like beta-cryptoxanthin, quercetin, rutin, and more, also make it perfect for eliminating free-radicals. Elimination of these particles ensures that your body is free from the risk of heart attacks and cancer.

The vegetable also aids in preventing circulatory system issues, diabetes, strokes, and neurodegenerative disorders. It has some chemicals that boost brain growth which trigger the formation of new cells which is vital for dealing with diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's.

Cauliflower's rich Vitamin K, C, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, all together form a powerful solution for cleansing the circulatory system and averts plaque deposits.

Cauliflower has an abundant quantity of Glucosinolates which are capable of DNA repairs and preventing the mutation of cancer cells. The vegetable also exhibits chemo qualities that eliminate tumor development at early stages. It can help suppress breast cancer, liver diseases, colon and stomach disorders, and lung cancer.


This leafy cousin of cabbage and cauliflower is a highly hydrated vegetable with excellent body cooling effect.

Like other members the cruciferous family, Arugula is a rich source of fibers, antioxidants, glucosinolates and more. This leafy vegetable which is mostly known by its common names like salad rocket, garden rocket, roquette, rucola, and colewort, is approximately 90% water.

It's convenient for dealing with scorching heat and sweating during summers. The high water content also makes it an ideal food for weight loss. Apart from water, arugula contains chlorophyll which supplements liver health and repairs DNA damage from aflatoxins. It's also beneficial for cleaning the body and ensuring smooth bowel movement. Arugula's vitamin B and folate make it an ideal remedy for slowing brain aging and cognitive decline.

Arugula helps in preventing heart attacks, prostate cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and inflammations.

It may sound weird and surprising, but Arugula has excellent Aphrodisiac properties too. The ancient Romans used it as a sex enhancer for boosting testosterone levels. It was also a part of a love portion along with other herbs like lavender.

Even modern studies corroborate its effect on sexual desires.

Brussels Sprouts

With low calories and beautiful mini cabbage-like appearances, Brussels sprouts are one of the best choices for both the main dish and the side dish. This vegetable is a versatile part of many foods in various cultural cuisines and for good reasons.

The superfood comes with a high concentration of vitamin C which helps to protect and strengthen your immune system by triggering the white blood cells. It has a high amount of antioxidants that are beneficial for reducing oxidative stress and reducing chronic diseases risk.

Like its elder brother the cabbage, Brussels sprouts also have a decent amount of dietary fibers. These fibers help to bulk up the stool which reduces the chances of constipation and makes food movement smooth. Its folic acid concentration also establishes it as one of the best food for pregnant women. Folic acid prevents neural tube defects, which can cause severe issues with the baby's brain and spine.

Brussels sprouts also have active compounds to shield your body against cancer, hormone regulation, blood pressure issues, low bone strength, inflammation, heart attack, and stroke. It also packs some essential nutrients to improve clotting, healing, and metabolism.

The Final Word

Cruciferous vegetables are the ultimate blend of taste, variety, nutrition and health properties. Whether you choose to take them as a side dish to balance the main or eat them as a first dish, they will always fulfill the nutrition requirements of your body.

Also, they can help you gain that slim waistline. What more reason do you need to consume these wonderful vegetables?